Tibet Support Group


Tibetan Settlements map It is the role of TSG to set up sponsorships. 100% of the money given by sponsors goes directly to the Tibetan's they are sponsoring. This is because the money is sent directly by the sponsor to the Tibetan individual or family. There is just the bank transfer fee or Western Union charge that needs to be paid. If requested we will send the money, but largely we encourage sponsors to do this. We are not a registered tax-deductible charity, but are now recognised be the The Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Organisation as a registered charity. Tibet Support Group - Adelaide http://www.acnc.gov.au/ACNC/FindCharity/QuickSearch/ACNC/OnlineProcessors/Online_register/Search_the_Register.aspx?noleft=1

Cost of Education and Humanitarian Aid Sponsorship = min A$300 plus

This amount will greatly relieve problems allowing young children to attend Tibetan school or illnesses to be treated. Many of the parents of these children are illiterate but have a burning desire for their children to receive an education so they can help their families, communities and ultimately Tibet. Aged and sick Tibetans also need aid = A$300 a year is a starting point. Operations and medicines may cost more to which the sponsor may choose to contribute.

Cost of Youth Sponsorship = Min A$500

The young Tibetans requesting youth sponsorship have a range of needs. They are individuals who want to further their education after school. Many seeking our support have parents in Tibet and, without sponsorship post school education is not possible. For those fortunate enough to have parents in India, they will often borrow large amounts to support their children, putting themselves under great stress and hardship. Their fees range from A$600-$2000+ per year. We make a priority of finding sponsorship's for nurses, teachers and those undertaking trainee-ships where job opportunities are high. These students are highly motivated and readily acknowledge how the education opportunities provided make a lasting impact on their lives and the communities they live. .


Tibetans are practicing Buddhists and although their country is occupied by the Chinese where hundreds of thousands have died and thousands are still imprisoned, the majority refuse to retaliate with violence. Many have, however, been forced from their homeland.

The Tibetans’ spiritual leader, His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, has become a revered world leader who spreads a message of hope and non-violence. He advocates compassion, forgiveness and loving kindness for all beings, including the Chinese. Education, he believes, is a key to advancement and the creation of a fairer, more compassionate world.

The following letter was written to Tibet Support Group from His Holiness’s Office in Dharamsala after The Dalai Lama visited Australia in 2004 and was presented with a letter and information from us.

"The wonderful work that your volunteer organisation based in South Australia does in helping Tibetans is much appreciated. It is through the support of many organisations like yours that the Tibetans have benefited so much ever since being in exile over 40 years ago"